A downloadable game for Windows

Well, this is complicated. Long story short, Unity is being a jerk with its installation fee. So I'm moving to Godot. However, that will take some time. Plus, I already made a half-decent game. So here you go!

  • Get the highest score on the Roads of the Polygonal Age!
  • Increase your score multiplier, or combo, by going on boosters and narrowly dodging enemies!
  • Watch out, though. There are mine capsules that are boosted by your lasers, and your heat will rise if you don't cool down.
    • And if you get to 6 heat, you'll start taking damage. The higher you go, the faster your health will drain to zero.
  • The higher your combo, the faster you go. Can you handle the chaos on the Lineway?


 Left or Right/A or D: Move (1 heat)

 Up/W/Space: Laser (2 heat)

 Hold Down/S: Cool Down (Reduces Heat)

P: Toggle Pause


Walls: Shoot them to gain points. Near Miss them to increase your combo.

Mines: Shoots them to have them run at you. Dodge them in this state to gain points.

Music: "Tunnel Scene", from X;


Lineway.zip 31 MB

Install instructions

Just uncompress the ZIP file and play Lineway. I apologize to all those who couldn't download the file initially.

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